Cabid-an Sorsogon City Philippines     Postal Code: 4700  March 2009  Edition


             The child in Mayor Leovic Dioneda surfaces every time he’s with the less privileged children in the barangays during feeding, through the Lingap Dalita program. He cuddles children, he sweet talks crying infants, he cares. One can see from his face the picture of a very dutiful father, the gloom in his face when he empathizes with them and the laughter he shares with everyone. Three words describe all of these and that’s because “He Simply Cares”. 

            The feeding program of Mayor LD started August last year under his Lingap Dalita Program, along with other services such as the Medical and Dental Mission, Rice Selling and Seedlings distribution. The feeding program hits directly the little mouths of infants and less privileged children in every Barangay. With bowls and spoons as weapons, these children mischievously, (others silently) line up for the nutritious recipes cooked by Junjun Dioneda’s (Mayor LD’s eldest) team. From macaroni soup to lugaw, to pancit, to champorado, name it, you’ll taste it. Junjun’s team wakes up in the wee hours of the morning on the day of the feeding. Before 9:00 in the morning, the group readies themselves enroute to their destination fully prepared. This is their daily routine. 

            Presently, the feeding is concentrated in three barangays where per research result by the City Health Office, these topped all barangays in the number of malnourished children. These are Bonga, Jamislagan, both from Bacon District and Buenavista in the West District. Daily in the span of 120 days, the group serves their mission in Bonga and Buenavista, while during MWF in Jamislagan. 

            As of the latest, positive feedbacks had been received by the City Government of Sorsogon in response to this noble undertaking, that, not only it gives and supplements food requirements daily of a less privileged child but more so the program LD, cares. MDD

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